
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Current Graduate Students


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Curriculum and Individual Development Plan

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Human Microbiome Research

Visit the curriculum web pages for course descriptions, schedules for core curriculum courses and other curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

View the following:

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Individual Development Plan


The Individual Development Plan (IDP) engages students to identify current training and career goals and develop objectives toward meeting those goals. The process employs several principles of adult learning and motivation that can optimize the mentoring relationship and advance students’ professional success. Tools that guide reflection, assessment, and developing goals and objectives support the process.

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Prepare for a Career in Translational Research


Baylor graduate students in their first or second year who are interested in a career focused on translating biomedical discoveries into molecular medicine advances to benefit human health are invited to apply for the Clinical Translational Research Certificate of Added Qualification (CTR-CAQ) program.

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Short-Term, Interest Free Emergency Loans


BCM Graduate students may apply for short-term, interest free emergency loans funded by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The maximum amount of the loans are $500. Loan applications are made through Shelfa Williams in the Graduate School (N204).

Other loans are also available for BCM graduate students. Contact Student Account Services for more information at sas@bcm.edu or (713) 798-4322


Dean's Award of Excellence


The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences offers the one-time, $3,000 Dean’s Award of Excellence to graduate school students, postdoctoral fellows and postdoctoral associates who receive an eligible fellowship award. Requirements are as follows:

  • Fellowship must be obtained from a federal or state agency and/or private foundation via a nationally competitive application process
  • Fellowship must provide at least two-thirds (2/3’s) of the student’s or postdoc’s stipend
  • Applicants for the Dean’s Award must be a current GSBS graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow or associate with an active postdoctoral appointment via the Office or Postdoctoral Affairs to be eligible to apply
  • Applicants must have at least 12 months remaining in their current training position
  • Award applications must be submitted within 90 days of the award start date
  • Recipients of institutional training grant support (e.g. T32, R25, K12) are not eligible

Requests for applications for the Dean’s Award of Excellence can be obtained from GSBS-Help (GSBS-Help@bcm.edu), and should be submitted after fellowship payments to the trainee have been initiated.

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Emergency Notification System


In the event of an emergency, the Baylor community is notified via our website, the employee information line at (713) 798-4444, and through social media and local news channels. Emergency information will also be shared through the Baylor Emergency Notification System (ENS) as needed. To keep your information updated, (login required).


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