
School of Health Professions

Is Your Practice Right for a PA Student?


Primary Care Practices Needed


We are seeking primary care – pediatrics, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology practices for our students to complete two-week rotations. Preceptors are needed for each student for 36 hours each week. However, this can be split between more than one provider if providers in your practice are not working full time in the practice.

We are seeking practices that have patients with a wide range of presenting complaints. 


Is Your Practice the Right Place for a PA Student?


While assigned to various ambulatory, emergency, hospital, and long-term care settings each student will interview and examine patients, identify health care risks and problems, transmit patient information in verbal and written form to physicians, obtain specimens for diagnostic testing, participate in surgeries, monitor programs of evaluation and therapy, and discuss health risk behaviors with patients and families.

On the first day the student generally shadows the preceptors. On subsequent days, the preceptor instructs the student which patients to see. The student takes the patient’s history and does a physical exam. He or she then presents this information to the preceptor and the two of them then go back into the room to see the patient. Case-based teaching can either be done in the room or after the visit.


Time Commitment for Preceptors


Two or four weeks supervising student in clinic

15-20 minutes to complete evaluation

Students are expected to be in the preceptors clinic for at least 36 hours each week. During this time supervision may done by one physician or split between physicians in the same practice.

Preceptors are needed all year. You can indicate the weeks that work best for you.


Clinical Preceptor Recognition


Continuing Education Credits Faculty Appointment Letter of Agreement/Affiliation Recognition Awards Teaching Site Certificate 

  • Continuing Education Credits
  • Faculty Appointment
  • Letter of Agreement/Affiliation
  • Recognition Awards
  • Teaching Site Certificate