Treating Obesity with Precision Lab


About the TOP Lab


The Treating Obesity with Precision Lab conducts research to individualize the diagnosis and treatment of obesity and diabetes. The lab has three main areas of research:

  • Investigating the role of vitamin D in obesity and diabetes
  • Determining how changes in different genes impact the development of obesity and response to treatments
  • Cinical trials aimed at improving outcomes in those with obesity.

The lab鈥檚 work includes both human and animal studies to understand how obesity and diabetes develop and how to best treat them. Our aim as we grow is to be able to provide truly translational research and be able to give patients answers for their weight gain as well as tailored therapeutic strategies.

Research in the TOP Lab focuses on the pediatric age range, but also includes adults in some of our clinical trials. The lab focuses on interactions between diet and vitamin D across the age spectrum as well as defining reasons why children develop obesity from an early range and how to best treat them.


USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center

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USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center Holcombe View

The TOP Lab is part of the Children's Nutrition Research Center which houses state-of-the-art laboratories, a vast array of equipment, a greenhouse, observation labs, research volunteer accommodations, a metabolic kitchen, and an elite group of scientists conducting groundbreaking research.

Visit the CNRC

Treating Obesity with Precision Lab
Children鈥檚 Nutrition Research Center
1100 Bates St., Suite #10052, Mail Stop: BCM-320
Houston, TX 77030

Phone: 713-798-0391 or 713-798-9316